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2.3 ISP Reviews

Smooth Ride?Mixed?Horror Story?
Email your review (of DSL service, of cable service, of wireless internet service) to reviews@dslreports.com

(Presently only for U.S., U.K., Canada and Australia)

If you are a registered user of DSLR, you may also submit a review online.

You can also search for the ISP using ISP Search, or use the Company directory on our home page. Against every ISP is a link allowing online review.

Feedback received on this FAQ entry:
  • Users should not attempt to send mail for new or existing ISPs to reviews at dslreports at the moment as user reviews@ is not properly configured or does not exist (quoted from mxthunder postmaster). A thread on this issue is available here: https://www.dslreports.com/forum/r32753490-bug-Review-email-no-longer-active

    2020-05-16 11:14:28 (Serenity See Profile)

  • That e-mail address seems dead/no longer active. If it is dead/no longer active, then either need to: a) Remove it OR b) Get it fixed.

    2020-05-13 17:32:40 (aefstoggaflm See Profile)

edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2007-08-25 08:37:22

If you have submitted a review of an ISP, and you later wish to modify it, read on:

  • If you submitted your ISP by email, you must pick up a site account using the same email address. (Register here).
  • If you then login to dslreports.com and find your review again, it will have a link for editing.
  • If you reviewed your ISP online, then the review already "knows" your site account, and there will be a link for editing it within the review.

You can update your ISP review and have it show only once per week. It won't "take" if you don't update it a certain percentage. If you make changes a second time, it will take seven days to show the most recent update.

by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2007-08-25 08:37:32


We would prefer that you leave your existing review as is and write another review for your new ISP. Currently, each user is allowed a max of 5 different ISP reviews to facilitate this. Leaving your old review will allow others to possibly learn why you are leaving an ISP, for example. It also helps maintain posterity.

To create a new review, find your ISP on our Alphabetical ISP List and click on the link to write a review.

This will also ensure your current ISP is accurately identified along with your name in the forums.

You can update your ISP review and have it show, but only once per seven-day period. If you make changes a second time, it will take seven days to show the most recent update.
Note: To have your updated review show up without having to wait until the next server update, go to your Forum Preferences page and click the "update" button without making any changes.

by pike See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2007-08-25 08:37:57

The ISP information showing under your user info on your posts links to your review of your ISP. The "thumbs up" will appear next to the ISP name if your review was a high average score. If there is no thumbs up, then you are neutral or unhappy with the ISP.

Whenever you update your review, there must be roughly a 10% change in the text in order for any change to appear in your user info.

But my review is old, I don't use that ISP anymore ...

You cannot delete your old review(s), but you can review your new ISP by finding it on the ISP List (front page of DSLR), going to the page for that service provider and clicking on "submit a review." Please note that in order for your new ISP to replace your old one it must be the last one edited by you. In other words, don't review your new ISP, then edit your old one.

When I click write a review it says that I already have a review. I try to update it, but I can't change my ISP.
First, find the ISP. Then, click into its listing, click into user reviews and, finally, click into "write a review." It will take a day or two to update. However, if you go to your forum preferences (where you have your zip code, etc), and re-save without changing anything, it will appear in about 20 minutes.

NOTE: Deleting the contents of your old review is discouraged. Even old reviews are useful and doing this will not result in your review being deleted completely. Please do not "hey mod" asking for your review to be deleted. This is not done absent extenuating circumstances.

by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2007-08-25 08:38:08

This entire site was originally about Broadband and ISP Reviews. It still is. That message appears to remind (nag) you to either do a review or update the one you've already written. Although many of us are on the site regularly, there are far more who visit here only looking for ISP and Broadband information.

You should see the screen about every six months. If you update, try to write at least 10% of the original review's length (a guard against spamming). Keep in mind that if you don't update your review for two or more years it will disappear from your user profile. See: »Site FAQ »How long will a review stay in a member profile if it's not updated?

Keep in mind that your ISP or provider may be monotonously reliable, but in another geographical location it may be terrible, so all reviews are important.

If you do NOT find your ISP listed, simply email yours in. Many times this will result in a new listing for that ISP.

by KeysCapt See Profile edited by state See Profile
last modified: 2007-05-18 18:36:39

I just went and looked at the review I posted on my ISP, and there's a warning there about me! What's this all about?

This warning is placed in ISP reviews where the original poster has visited the site very few times. If you continue to visit, it will disappear.

The intention is to differentiate site users who are "regular" contributing members from someone who might have registered for the sole purpose of posting an inflammatory review.

by KeysCapt See Profile edited by JMGullett See Profile
last modified: 2007-02-28 16:59:28

The thumbs-up icon indicates you gave your ISP a high average score. If there is no thumbs-up, then you are neutral or unhappy with your ISP.

by pike See Profile edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2007-08-25 08:38:40

I'm having problems when I try to submit a review of my new ISP. I had a different ISP previously, and I have never filled out another review. But every time I click "Lodge Review" it gives me this:

The system looks for a review (by you) for the same provider within the last 30 reviews (to block duplicates). If the message appears then it means a review has been found. The "next" button leads to the previously submitted review. Of course, you cannot post two different reviews for the same ISP.

by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2007-08-25 08:38:57

BBR Awards were introduced in February of 2004. An award is based on the good bad ugly charts of company performance, charts that we produce weekly. These are based entirely on user reviews. There are three levels of award.

1. BBR Gold
The average review score for the current good-bad-ugly chart is over 80%, and the average score for the chart five months ago was also over 80%.

2. BBR Silver
The average review score for the current good-bad-ugly chart is over 70%, and the average score for the chart five months ago was also over 70%. OR, the company is new and has gained an average score for the current chart of over 80%.

3. BBR Bronze
The average review score for the current good-bad-ugly chart is over 60%, and the average score for the chart five months ago was also over 60%. OR, the company is new and has gained a current good-bad-ugly chart score of over 70%.

In order for the current, or past, good bad ugly score to be considered, there must have been more than 10 reviews received and incorporated into the score.

We think these awards fairly represent current and recent opinion on a company, but we urge you as an informed consumer to do your own research, including but not limited to reading the recent reviews we have received. Pay attention to the pedigree of the member (are they a regular user of the site?) and whether the review sounds bland or is just too good to be true. An award is no guarantee that your experience with a company will be stellar.

Rules on allowable use of this award logo on your site:

  • ISPs are welcome to show this award logo on their own website.
  • ISPs must link the logo back to the page /comments/NNN, where NNN is the ISP number.
  • The word "about" as a text link must be included below the logo and also be the same link.
  • The Month and Year that the logo was seen on our site must also be incorporated above the award image, in the form XXX YYYY, where XXX is a 3 letter month name, and YYYY is the four digit year.
  • If the award is more than six months old, and there is no newer award to show, then the logo must be removed from the site!
  • Other use, such as any printed promotional material, or use not in accordance with the above rules, must be pre-approved by us. Contact us in order to request such use.
  • Visitors who notice that a logo has been used incorrectly by an ISP should contact a moderator or use the "feedback" link available on any page.

edited by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2007-08-25 08:39:08

From time to time a review that has been submitted by one of our users is edited. We reserve the right to edit when the review in question meets certain criteria.

We do our best to remain objective, as the purpose of reviews is to solicit honest feedback. However, we do draw the line at libelous or malicious postings or text that does not meet with the generally accepted rules of posting on this site. Occasionally, a user may ask us to edit personal information on their behalf, such as personal information unintentionally included by the user, like a private email address.

We feel our site users are pretty wise and can discern truthfulness on the part of posters. However, if the review has degraded into flaming, name calling or involves private information being divulged (personal unpublished telephone numbers, private communications or identifying information of employees that is not publicly known, etc), then we would have cause to remove or edit the review. The reviews queue is not a venue for airing dirty laundry, harassing others or padding feedback with marketing jargon (read: no spam).

The review queue is provided as a venue for honest feedback -- good, bad or ugly -- about the ISP and your experience. Thank you for your consideration in placing your review.

by KeysCapt See Profile
last modified: 2007-08-25 08:39:16

Reviews that aren't updated for two or more years will disappear from your member profile page and from below your forum posts on the grounds that they're probably too stale to be interesting or still accurate. These reviews can still be found on the site in the appropriate vendor pages, as all reviews are kept for historical purposes.

As mentioned in this section ( »Site FAQ »How do I edit my ISP review? ), a significant update is required before the review shows as updated - somewhere near ten percent of the text needs to be changed, added or removed.

by state See Profile
last modified: 2007-05-18 18:28:04